Well school is about to start soon. It starts on the 23rd or 24th I'm not sure because we don't have class on monday but schedule says starts 23rd. Anyhows his summer been a waste i guess, but I guess I kind of wanted it like that since I been so busted out tired from school. First year of pharmacy school is over. I learned a lot but retaining all that much information is another thing so I'll probably review all the important stuff before school starts. Anyhow I went down to Athens, Georgia to see a lot of my friends which was fun. Damn everyone is graduating hah its so fast, and this year a lot of m
Spazz's Destruction Party
The unlikely amalgamation of malarkey, life, and whatever pops up.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
A new posting
Well school is about to start soon. It starts on the 23rd or 24th I'm not sure because we don't have class on monday but schedule says starts 23rd. Anyhows his summer been a waste i guess, but I guess I kind of wanted it like that since I been so busted out tired from school. First year of pharmacy school is over. I learned a lot but retaining all that much information is another thing so I'll probably review all the important stuff before school starts. Anyhow I went down to Athens, Georgia to see a lot of my friends which was fun. Damn everyone is graduating hah its so fast, and this year a lot of m
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Its almost been a year
Well a lot has happen since I last updated my blog. Well let see well actually too much to type lol the gist of it is that I'm done with first year pharmacy school, went to study abroad for TCM and saw my extended family and school is about to start. I will upload a few more pictures later on.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
School Started For A While
Well school started for awhile now about 2-3 weeks, and we're about to have our VERY FIRST GRADUATE LEVEL EXAM, and i'm gonna say i'm gonna obliterate this POS. Anyhow yeh i love the people in my school, and the people I have meet. There are definitely cliches and such but I was told of that already so I wasn't really surprised. Well now I'm going out with a new girl, kim kekeke :D, she's is so caring,cute,fun, kekeke way fucking better than emotionless-ex cough cough....... ehh no explicatives please i don't want to seem i'm a vulgar person. Anyways my new apartment is nice
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Pharmacy School Started and Its Going Great
Well it was kind of um shall we say nerve racking for a few seconds but i gathered my conscious thoughts and just let it go, and so far its been great. Whatever happen before during my undergrad years, well they are the past and now that i can start anew, i want to actually live life and have fun with it. Of course I been studying everyday, but only 3-4 hours, not too much to be tired and worn out but enough to keep up with school speed. I meet a lot of new people they're all really cool except for may be one person but I guess I can forgive him lol, he's pretty new to the country i suppose. I also feel bad for him, but you know its every person for themselves in this world, and i'm not in any position to help him. The first test of my pharmacy career is coming in about 13 days or so and i'm psyched because i think i'm gonna kill it. Tonite I went with some people to Hard Rock and it was pretty fun, well about as much fun I can have at a club anyways. Christ 8 bucks for a heinken, god damn. I might join Phi Delta Chi but if it doesn't work out oh well. Damn its late I should definitely be going to sleep now.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Jdrama, Kdrama

so i got back from athens for a week now and i'm studying my medical terminology class on and off while hoping for my financial aid for nova to go through. In the meantime I been watching jdrama and playing project reality. Haha man jdrama is pretty bad ass! I watched hana yori dango one of the best jdrama i watched besides 1 liter of tear. I'm in the process of finishing nobuta wo produce well its decent i don't think i like it as much as i like the others. Its funny how the girl in hana yori dango isn't the prettiest but man her personality was just too cute. Its funny girls that are mad are the cutiest for some reason to me. They definitely have weird sense of chemistry but it is cute and funny lol.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Today was fun =)
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Today I saw a shooting star hah it was the coolest thing ever. I saw shooting stars three times in my life, once I was 9 years old right when I was about to leave china for america, then another time with my family when I was 9 in america at night. This is my third time, I was just jogging and was like man the sky is so pretty tonight. So I went in to my car open the moonroof up and started to gaze at the sky man the sky is so pretty. It seems the possiblties are endless looking at the sky. Who would believe that there are other organisms in the galaxies far far away? I do, and I'm sure they're as peaceful and civilized as human beings. I also saw a star constellation the shape of an umbrella hah its so cool.
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