Well I sure hope I get in Mercer School of Health and Pharmacy. I had an interview a few weeks ago and I think it went really well. I actually think I dominated it except miss calling the associate dean by his first name when it was suppose to be Dr.Bartley. It would be nice to just get accepted to get one thing off my chest and stuff. I actually think it'll be great to go to Atlanta because it really is a big city and there will be a lot more opportunities and chance to meet other people. Hopefully I can live at davy's house since he says his korean roommate might leave since he doesn't really live there anyways. That is all if I get in (cross-fingers). I'm also applying to UGA, South, Novasoutheastern, Lecom-Brandenton in that order of preference. I'm not actually going to be leaving my friends since i'm gonna be 1 hour away from athens so I can see them whenever and i'll be living with davy hopefully so I got a G close by.
I actually don't know what exactly is going on in the economy even though I'm taking econ 2106 Micro right now (my average is an decent A though =D ) but it sure is nice to have the gas price fall down from like 3.32 to 2.27. I filled my tank almost 3/4 with just 20$!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is unheard of until just recently. Damn I really hope Obama wins and I hope the optimism of his election will invigurate the economy and bring the Dow Jones back to where it was before the big scandals. Well at least one major principles of economic is that people always speculate about the future and if Obama wins and does a good job initally everything will hopefully be smooth riding.