So for a while now I been searching the 7 seas for the clandestine whale that disguise itself as the lifeless waves that wander aimlessly. I finally found this big whale and although I don't know her name she is indeed a whale. She's a obese whale that walks back and forth between the start of organic chemistry 2 to talk with her likewise obese friend, the black octopus. As a captain on the HMS FatCat, our mission is to deride and mock these animals for the sake of her majesty's justice. This whale has some what golden lock hair usually in one pony tail, and she has the most atrocious cry ever. Her cries make my ears bleed for mercy. She loves to perambulate back and forth between the two ends of the classroom because apparently she has many a friends, most of which are obese I tell you. Although the picture doesn't do her justice she is indeed such proposterous size with a much prodigious waist size i predict. Only futhure experimentation and observation can confirm my predictions.
The unlikely amalgamation of malarkey, life, and whatever pops up.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Walking Whale Sited at Organic Chemistry
So for a while now I been searching the 7 seas for the clandestine whale that disguise itself as the lifeless waves that wander aimlessly. I finally found this big whale and although I don't know her name she is indeed a whale. She's a obese whale that walks back and forth between the start of organic chemistry 2 to talk with her likewise obese friend, the black octopus. As a captain on the HMS FatCat, our mission is to deride and mock these animals for the sake of her majesty's justice. This whale has some what golden lock hair usually in one pony tail, and she has the most atrocious cry ever. Her cries make my ears bleed for mercy. She loves to perambulate back and forth between the two ends of the classroom because apparently she has many a friends, most of which are obese I tell you. Although the picture doesn't do her justice she is indeed such proposterous size with a much prodigious waist size i predict. Only futhure experimentation and observation can confirm my predictions.
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